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Eligible Projects
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If you've recently completed a home energy upgrade and you're a customer of a participating utility, you may be eligible for cash back! Start by reviewing our Eligibility Details and Participating Utilities below.

If you own an individual condominium unit, townhome, duplex, triplex or fourplex property, visit our Multifamily page to view available cash incentives.

If you are a Washington resident that installed windows on or after 7/1/2023 please apply by emailing our 320C-WXWA application form to residentialforms@energytrust.org

Eligibility Details

Before you begin this application, make sure:

  • You live in a single-family or manufactured home in Oregon and are a customer of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural, Cascade Natural Gas or Avista, or live in Washington and are a customer of NW Natural. If you own an individual condominium unit, townhome, duplex, triplex or fourplex in Oregon, please review our Multifamily page for eligibility details.
  • Your application is being submitted within 60 days of the work being completed.
  • To have project information and documents required for your incentives. During the application process you will be asked to add electronic copies of supporting documents, such as contractor's invoice. For homeowner submitted applications, a 350CC Consent Form signed by the contractor that completed the work is required. Incomplete documentation will result in delayed payment or disqualification.

To see the full list of qualifying home energy upgrades and their requirements, visit our residential page.

If you have already submitted an online application and want to check the status of your incentive payment, please visit our check status page.

Participating Utilities

Energy Trust serves customers of

What kind of improvement did you complete?

Air Conditioning
Central Air conditioner must have a SEER rating of 15 or greater and an EER rating of 12 or greater to qualify. Incentive is only available for units installed on or before 12-31-24

Central AC eligibility
Checkmark IconIcon of a checkmark.
Heating IconIcon ductless heating pump unit.
Ductless Heat Pump
Ductless heat pump must replace electric resistance heat, have a heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) of 9.0 or greater and be installed by a qualified contractor. See Eligibility for additional details.

Checkmark IconIcon of a checkmark.
Fireplace IconIcon of fireplace.
Gas Fireplaces
Gas fireplace must have a fireplace efficiency (FE) equal to or greater than 70.0 and have an electronic pilot ignition. See Eligibility for additional details.


Qualifying Models
Checkmark IconIcon of a checkmark.
Gas Furnace Icon Icon of a gas furnace with a flame burning inside.
Gas Furnace
Gas furnace incentives are only available to select homeowners and property types. Please see Eligibility for additional details.

Checkmark IconIcon of a checkmark.
Heat Pump Icon Icon heating pump.
Heat Pump & Heat Pump Controls
Heat pump must have a heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) of 8.5 or greater and replace an electric furnace. Heat pump controls must be included in Energy Trust's list of qualifying models. See Eligibility for details.

Heat Pump Eligibility
Checkmark IconIcon of a checkmark.
Insulation IconIcon of rolled up insulation.
Insulation may be self-installed or professionally installed. Incentives vary based on area insulated (i.e., attic, wall, floor, etc.) and square footage of insulation installed. See Eligibility for details.

Checkmark IconIcon of a checkmark.
Smart Thermostat Icon Icon of thermostat with the wifi symbol showing 65 degrees.
Smart Thermostat
Smart thermostat must be included in Energy Trust's list of qualifying models, and be connected to the internet through your Wi-Fi network and configured with your home’s location. Cannot be combined with other thermostat incentives.

Qualifying Models
Checkmark IconIcon of a checkmark.
Water Heater IconIcon of water heater unit.
Water Heating
Water heating incentives are only available to select homeowners who have a qualifying model professionally installed. See Eligibility for details.

Checkmark IconIcon of a checkmark.
Window IconIcon of a house window and sill.
Windows must have a U-Value of 0.27 or less and be professionally installed. Documentation of U-Value and size for each window are required. See Eligibility for details. For Washington window installs, please apply using our 320C-WXWA form at the below link


Washington Application
Checkmark IconIcon of a checkmark.
Valid IconIcon green success checkmark. Invalid IconIcon of an warning exclamation point in a red circle.

When was the work done?

Calendar IconIcon of a wall calendar.
Valid IconIcon green success checkmark. Invalid IconIcon of an warning exclamation point in a red circle.

Verifying address eligibility...